What to expect from working with us

Initial Consultation

During our initial consultation, we will discuss your reasons for seeking counseling and delve deeper into what is important to you in this process. Together, we will explore your concerns from multiple angles and find interventions that best suit your unique needs and circumstances.

It is critical to ensure that our therapeutic fit is right for you at this juncture. I will work diligently to ensure that you feel heard, understood, and respected. It's crucial that you feel comfortable proceeding to the next session.

In case you are seeking couples counseling, we will spend time discussing the history and ups and downs of your relationship. For more detailed information about my specific strategies for couples sessions, please see my couples page.

Subsequent Sessions

As we progress through therapy, we will continue to revise your goals and work toward achieving them. At the start of each session, we will discuss what you wish to talk about and what you need from the session. Most of our clients opt to complete an Outcome Rating Scale at the beginning of each session. Later, we'll complete a Session Rating Scale to check on your experience of the session each time.

We will also consider whether you would benefit from therapeutic homework between sessions. Each person's needs are different, and therapeutic tasks often become more customized over time as I get to know you better.

Ending Therapy

Ending therapy can be a difficult conversation for some clients, but it's essential to discuss your decision with your counselor. The primary goal of therapy is developing the confidence and skills to navigate life's challenges. You should feel comfortable making decisions that benefit you and your situation, and have a plan for moving forward successfully on your own.

Session Frequency

Determining how frequently you should attend therapy depends on your current situation, goals, and the rate of change you are seeking. We offer several scheduling options to help you choose the one that best suits your needs.

Intensive therapy

Perfect for people in crisis who require immediate attention.

Choose two sessions per week depending on scheduling availability.

Making Gains

Opportunities to make solid gains and meet your therapy goals occur in one session per week. Depending on your availability, you can choose between 50, 75, or 25-minute formats.

Moderate Support

Designed for clients who are seeking to maintain progress made in therapy, or to explore goals more independently. These sessions occur every two weeks.

Light Support

If you are doing well in most areas of your life but have a few outstanding concerns that require some focused, regular attention, a session every 3-4 weeks might be the right frequency for you.

Maintaining Gains

Ideal if almost all goals have been met, but you have concerns about long-term maintenance. These sessions typically occur every 6 weeks or every 3 months, and you can choose between a 75, 50, or 25-minute session format depending on your availability.48m

Phone: 1-866-744-0964

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